Baby is right in the middle
Baby is in the upper right
Baby is in the upper right
Baby is in the upper right
So, today was my first ultrasound! What an exciting day. However, nothing is more uncomfortable then being completely naked under a gown and sheet and waiting 5 whole minutes for the doctor to come in! 5 minutes is by no means very long but when you're naked and nervous yet excited about your ultrasound, you get to sweating. You know, in places you probably shouldn't be sweating, especially since you know you're naked because the doctor is going to check you out. LOL! Oh boy, the joys of OB/GYN visits!
So, as far as my ultrasound goes. Originally, I should be a little over 8 weeks, based on my LMP. Well, we couldn't get a very good view of baby today. The glimpses we caught of him/her allowed for some measurements and put me at 6weeks and 6 days. Basically, I have to go back May 4th for another ultrasound to get a better view of a bigger baby and we'll decided on a real due date then! We were able to get a heartbeat, which is great not quite at 7 weeks!!! Sorry the pictures aren't too great... beggers can't be choosers!