So, I thought I would blog about this since I don't have many blog followers and could get it off my chest. Well, Anthony and I have been having some problems lately, bigger then normal. We both have things we want to work on. I for one, need to start working on not being lazy.
I know that quite a few of our arguments stem from silly things like laundry not being done, the house being a mess... etc. I HATE cleaning. Not to mention that even when I set my mind to start doing it on a regular basis and getting into a routine, I look at everything and get overwhelmed. This of course, leaves me not wanting to do a darn thing.
I come from a family of people who clean like crazy and seem to actually enjoy it. What on earth happened to me? I have, for as long as I can remember, been a messy person. I always try to clean my house before anyone comes over. Afterall, I grew up in a clean house and nobody ever came over to a messy place. In fact, even though our house seemed to always be clean, we put in extra effort to make it sprakle before guests would come over.
Why can I not be like that? I absolutely despise cleaning but also do not like a messy house. Like a I said, the problem I run into is getting to square one (a spotless, fully clean house) to keep it up from there. Although, my house has been 100% clean a few times and it has never stayed for long. I try to blame our house itself for my problems. For instance, our laundry room isn't so much a room as a space just big enough for a stacked washer and dryer tucked away in the back corner of my bathroom (like it's own little dungeon). Who on earth wants to spend their days back in that tiny corner doing laundry? NOT ME! I also like to blame my SEVERE lack of storage space in my house for my cluttered counters, corners, tables, etc. I have also never been a fan of dishes and I am even less of a fan of doing dishes when we LACK a dishwasher!!!
Alright. The point of this post was for me to own up to my biggest shortcoming. I have now done that. I also felt the need to show you exactly what my house looks like right this second. I now feel that I have admitted to the problem. It is now just a matter of taking the steps to fix it. My dilemma, where to start? Where to get the motivation to start and keep it up? Why can't I just program my brain to clean?