Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, I am making cookies friday with my mom in town. We are mostly doing this for Aidan. I am not actually making the cookies... Pillsbury made the dough and I'm slicing it and baking it. Anyways, the point of this cookie experience was really for Aidan to put sprinkles on cookies. I bought some cake frosting but my mom has informed me that won't harden on the cookies. So, I am in need of a cookie frosting recipe (not a glaze but actual frosting) that will dry! I found some online but they all had egg whites or milk in them and I can't imagine those keeping well at room temp. Ugh.

Unexperienced Baker

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

I think a lot of people simply enjoy this day as a day out of work without a second thought to those who have fought and are still fighting for our country! I have a dad and mom who were both in the military (albeit for very short periods of time), extended family that served and an uncle who is still serving, as well as a little cousin who just enlisted in the marines! I also have numerous friends with husbands who are active military. Being a young woman living near Fort Lewis... I met my fair share of great young men who were serving our country.

One inparticular was this great guy named Donald McCune. In fact, Donnie and I went out a few times and 1 week before he was deployed to Iraq he decided that he should seal the deal and ask me to be his "girl friend" before he left. What girl would be crazy enough to turn that down? Communicating through email, IM and a phone call was hard. It down right sucked as a matter of fact.

On August 6th, 3 months after his deployment, I opened up an email from one Donald R McCune. The email went on to explain that Donnie had died the day before in Germany. Apparently his vehicle had hit an IED (improvised explosive device). Donnie was airlifted to a hospital in Germany. While his mother was in flight to see him Donnie passed away at the age of 20. I remember screaming while reading the email, it seemed to be the only things my body would allow me to do. I had kept hearing in the news about our soliders who had died but it never seemed very real until this moment.

No matter how "tough" you are, hearing a 21 gun salute and seeing those boots with a gun and helmet propped up will bring you to tears. I can't imagaine how many families have gone through this experience and I would never wish it on everyone.

That is my story about why Veteran's Day is important to me. I would like to thank all of our current and past military. They do a wonderful job at keeping our country safe. I also want to be sure to thank the family members of all military.... without you, they couldn't do what they do!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


We took our family pictures on the 26th of September. I expected them back ten days afterwards, well, that was yesterday. I am a little cranky because I want to see them SO bad!!!!! However, I totally understand that Taraka had to leave town for the day due to her sister having her baby. To make it up to me, she is giving me a couple free prints and even sent over her favorite photo from the shoot. I posted it on Facebook this morning without realizing that maybe I shouldn't have, seeing that it has yet to be edited (note the green spot in the photo). I feel now like I gave her some negative advertising. Well, I figured the best way to correct that was to post a blog about the situation and , of course, share the picture I have.

Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm Terrible

At keeping up my blogs!!!! Sorry guys :( I thought I would share how excited I am about school though! I start Monday and will be one step closer to being a medical assistant! WooHoo! I have been waiting and waiting for my financial aid to come. I have had plans with my left over money for awhile now. Getting our cat declawed, taking family photos, not to mention buying my books for school and paying Aidan's daycare. I was so stressed about whether or not it would come before school, guess that's all figured out now. YAY!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Blog

Ya, I know, I'm terrible at keeping these ones up, why would I start another... well, go read my first post and find out!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am into bargain hunting... big time! Every once in awhile I find some good stuff I can actually use. Well, today my friend Kim has been putting stuff for FREE on a pretty cool site! Anyways, not knowing it, I was responding to all of this neat stuff she had. Well, I quickly figured out it was her and gave her a call. Too bad I missed out on a few things but what a great friend for setting aside what I wanted! She's probably tired of me sending her emails today saying "oooohhh, I want that" but hey, I enjoy this bargain hunting way too much to not take first dibs on things from someone I actually know! Which means, I know where it's been, which is kind of nice! I can't wait to meet up and grab the stuff from her (and let our kids play of course). Now if only I could decide what to get rid of in my house to make room for more "junk" (as Anthony calls it). This way, I won't end up on his s*** list for bringing more "junk" into the house! HEHE!

"One mans trash is another mans treasure"

Ecstatic... and frustrated!

I know it's been forever since I blogged but I thought I would take a moment to share my joy with everyone. Mostly, Anthony's job....

This is Anthony's third season with his employer. For the last two seasons their current forman has said he is leaving at the end of the season. Well, this year, they really thought it was going to happen. Anthony has worked so hard on learning eveything possible at work, taking the lead with things and working on himself in general to prove that he was fit for the job. Almost a month ago his boss had a chat with him telling him that if he would work on his customer relations, and relationship with his coworkers the job was his. A week or so after that he got a dollar an hour pay raise.... that's quit a raise for him.

Well, last week, the forman informed everyone he wasn't leaving. Anthony didn't take it to well and was pretty upset. He felt like he had put all that work in for nothing. After explaining to him that someday his turn will come he felt a little better. Well, last week, Anthony got another dollar an hour raise. Yup, that's two dollars in a month! Very exciting for us. On top of it, there's some word that Anthony might be going salaried next year, getting paid holidays and paid vacation.

What a big step! Like I told him, his work wasn't for nothing. And forman position aside, everything is going well for him! I am so proud of where he's come in these 2 and a half years! (this is the point where he says "thanks mom"... LOL... do I really sound like his mom?)

On another note, I am getting very frustrated with my school. I turned in my financial aid paperwork in MAY, before the June 16th deadline. Well, school starts on September 21 and I have yet to hear from them. I am able to check my status online and it simply says "all required documents have been received" as opposed to "an award letter was sent on _______". UGH! Last quarter my letter was sent a month an a half before school started. So, I've tried calling. There message states that because they have been very busy, the whole month of August and 1st week of September they are only available in person for GENERAL questions and to drop paperwork off. It also says that if you haven't received any word from them by September 4th to call them them and they will be available on the 7th and that if you didn't make the June 16th deadline, please pay your tuition by September 9th. HELLO!!! September 7th is a holiday, which means I only have the 8th to call (and actually get ahold of someone) and then drop my classes if my financial aid isn't coming through. I can in no way shape or form afford tuition, books and childcare for the next quarter without my financial aid!!!!!!! UGH!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Great Deal

Expecting? Go to, select your cover and enter cousin2 in the promo box. It gets you a cover for FREE! You just have to pay the $8.95 shipping!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lost in the Sea of Parenting

Yup, that's right. I am lost.... and even feel like I might be drowning. With my experience as a preschool teacher (toddler age, 1-2) and being the oldest of my family, I thought I would have better control of things. I always envisioned having the "perfect child". One that doesn't talk back, one that picks up his toys, that can play quietly by himself or happily with others. HA! That dream is coming to a hault and I am lost on what to do.

For starters, discipline. I thought I had this planned before. Well, I guess not. I'm not much into spanking, unless it has been well deserved and my child is of the appropriate age. 16 months is not that age. Not for my child anyways. Aidan has been expressing his anger in ways that are getting on my nerves.

His favorite is to pick up whatever is closest and throw it when he is angry. Today, I wouldn't let him play with my camera. Instantly, he picked up the remote and my flip flop and chuked them both. This throwing things is on my last nerve. I stuck him in time out, for the first time. I explained that we do not throw things when we are mad. He SCREAMED the whole time. No biggie, I didn't expect him to enjoy it. He also continued to scream for a full 5 minutes afterwards.

I am beginning to wonder if he's ready for timeout. If not, then what else do I do? I am feeling SO incredibly lost on this. There are certain things I feel strongly that need to be nipped in the bud... NOW. Like this throwing things when he's angry. I just don't know if time out is the answer or what the answer might be if it isn't time out!

Moving on... structure. My child does not have much. I really hate to admit it but he pretty much does what he wants, when he wants. ALL of his toys are at his disposal, and they are all over my house 90% of the time. I have yet to teach him to pick up (which I always said I would start doing around 1). On top of that, how do I expect him to pick up the number of toys he has?

I see pictures of my friends kiddos and they are always playing with one toy at a time, whether it be their stacking cups or their blocks... etc. I don't know how to make the transition from unstructered chaos to a neat and orderly place where playtime is structured.

I am feeling totally lost. I feel like every expectation I had for the type of parent I was going to be and the child I was going to raise have gone down the drain. Now, here I am, lost in the sea of parenting.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So, my mom just sent me a picture from about 5 years ago.

Help Find a Cure

I just found out that my 46 year old Aunt has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. This cancer has spread throughout her body and she is told will soon claim her life. Her father, my grandfather, passed away due to cancer 2 years ago. His wife, my grandmother, was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago and has since recovered. My other grandmother was also diagnosed with breast cancer and is now in remission.

This most recent diagnosis of terminal cancer in my family has made me stop to take a look at my life. I know I need to make some changes towards a healthier lifestyle so I can be around to see my own grandbabies! One of the ways to do this is to participate in cancer events or even donate towards their cures!

This being said, please check out my Mom's new website for Breast Buddies! Feel free to sign the guest book or even visit their team page and make a donation! Thank you!

Friday, April 10, 2009

New Contest Entry!

I just entered Jaidean's photography giveaway! She's giving away gift cards for her work! I would be so THRILLED to have her take Aidan's 18 month photos! Or maybe even some family ones ;) She does in credible work and well, I've really only been able to afford Sears portraits... so anyways, go check otu her blog and take a look at her work!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Job?

So, I was given a "tip" that Anthony's Mom's husband is in charge of hiring 600 new people at Hanford, they were just given a 1 million dollar bailout that is supposed to go to maing new jobs. For those of you who don't know, Hanford is down in Tri-Cities and is run by the government. It's a nuclear waste site... something like that. Anyways, the job I am looking at starts at $60,000 a year not to mention benefits, retirement, 401k and things along those lines. That is most certainly nothing to scoff at. In fact, it really intrigues me. I could help provide our family with what we need AND what we WANT. The drawback.... to move down there and take this job means giving up staying at home. Not that I was staying at home anyways (starting school and then working later). However, with a nursing job, I could leave when it was time to have another child, stay home for a year again then easily find a new job. Working at Hanford... I'm pretty sure my job wouldn't still be around if I wanted to take a year off. It seems that Anthony is happy with just one child (for now anyways). What happened to him wanting 5? I mean, I really only wanted 2, maybe 3. Either way, none of those numbers are ONE!

Now I feel stuck. Do I apply for the job and the opportunity to make things better for my family? Or do I act selfish and do what makes me happy? AAHHH!

One more plus to the job... living in Tri Cities means Anthony's family is there. Which means we would have family around. People to visit with, a sense of "family" and of course... maybe a sitter every once in ahile for a night out.

Oh boy, I feel stuck.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Go check out my friend Linda's totally awesome Money Saving blog! She is such a neat woman and has some really great ideas, savings and GIVEAWAYS!

Money Saving Monthly

Southwestern "Spaghetti"

I have a new favorite meal and I thought I would share.. it truly is yummy! I call it Southwestern "Spaghetti". Once again... YUMMY! I must warn you, this recipe makes a LOT of food! It serves us 2 dinners plus lunch for Anthony. We're also only a family of 2.5... it might not be as much food for a bigger family. Anyways, on with the meal...

I start with browning a pound of ground turkey (you could also use ground beef or simply shred some cooked chicken). After draining the meat I add a large (29 oz) can of plain tomato sauce, 1 can of italian diced tomatos, 1 can of drained and rinsed black beans, 1 can of corn (no salt added), 1 chopped green bell pepper, chopped olives and 1.5 cups of salsa. You could also subsitute any of those for FRESH or FROZEN veggies. I also season to taste (I like to add chopped garlic, onion powder, garlic powder and a little italian seasoning).

Simmer this for about an hour and then toss with some cooked macaroni noodles. This meal is so delish! Let me know if you try it, we love it in our house. Aidan even gobbles it up!

Friday, March 6, 2009

New Computer

YAY! We got a new computer! Ours completely crashed yesterday. It's not actually a new computer, but new to us! I'm so excited. The only drawback is that it is a desktop and we previously had a laptop, I kind of miss the convenience of sitting in the LazyBoy and watching TV while being on the computer. Oh well. It is nice, I can't complain.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I am partially without our computer for about a week. Our power cord went out and now my laptop not charged :( I ordered a new one on Ebay, 2-5 business days AFTER the seller ships it)Anyway so I am borrowing my neighbors POS laptop. It is incredibly screwed up and hardly runs. It runs well enough for me to use facebook and blogger. I can't check my email!!!! On MY laptop, Spokane Mothers is automatically signed in. Well, I don't remember my username (I know my password, just no username) which means I can't use it! UGH! At least I have Facebook!

Monday, March 2, 2009

All Done!

I finished our blogs! YAY! Scrapblog was having some issues so I wasn't able to do our headers... well... they're all done!

Under Construction

Please excuse my appearance of my blogs while I fix them! I am having some issues with scrapblog right now, so I don't know when it will look pretty again!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So, a friend of ours from our playdate group is hooked on blogging. She does a tremendous job of keeping everyone up to date and has some pretty neat installments on her blog. She has a "What's for Dinner Wednesday" where she shares yummy recipes.. that one is one of my favortie posts! Also, her little son is so adorable and amazes me with all of his mischief! He is a smart kiddo.

Anyways... She is doing a giveaway! This week it is a ring sling! It is SO cute! So... go check it out!

Did I forget to mention she also is co-creator of our playdate group!?!?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wedding Plans

Well... our wedding plans have changed. We are postponing our wedding and do not yet have another date set. We have a few reasons for this. For starters, it is important to me that my father be there and he will not make it up to Spokane this year. Secondly, it is not financially smart to get married right now. I am still covered by my Dad's medical and dental insurance until I am 24 (or married). So, that would be a big expense for us as well as throwing in the cost of our wedding. Reason number three, I am starting school in April and getting married will affect my financial aid! Sorry to change plans, but right now it is not a very smart decision for our family! We still make great parents and are a wonderful couple... married or not!

Our Trip!

We are home! We had a fantastic time! It was great to see my family and Aidan enjoyed re-meeting everyone! He enjoyed crawling all over their house. He learned how to climb up and down the stairs and how to crawl... the real way! LOL! He also figured out how to actually wave "bye-bye". He learned how to make "air kisses", noise and all! He started saying Mama and spent the whole week growling. LOL!

It was a blast to watch him play with his uncles, they absolutely enjoyed him! My brother Ryan nearly broke his ankle while we were there. Come to find out, he has a class 3 sprain. The doctor told him he would have been better off if he had broken his ankle and even offered to break it for him so he could simply set it, cast it, and be on his way. Anthony went fishing for 2 days while we were there and enjoyed it! He even brought home a bass one night and let Aidan touch it... he thought it was cool!

I took too many pictures! I am going to save myself some time and simply load them onto facebook. I will have some more coming as soon as I get the rest that my step mom took. I will post a couple from our trip to the beach.

My little brother Levi turned 7 on Sunday so we also had a little celebration for Aidan since they won't make it up here next month. We lit a candle on a cupcake and sang Happy Birthday to Aidan. He devoured the cupcake! He literally shoved his face in it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


For those of you who don't know, I will be starting college in April! I am going to get my degree in Nursing. I start my pre requisites in April. I took my placement test today which determines my placement in Math and English. It was made up of a writing, reading and math test. I took this same test 4 years ago. My scores are as follows: Math: Old score- 38, New score- 30; Reading: Old score- 97, New score- 99; Writing: Old score- 96, New score: 84. Over all, not bad. I don't think I did too bad for being out of school for 4 years, my reading score improved!

These scores mean I get to start English at college level (English 101) and I get to start math at college level too but a slower pace. I need to start with Math 91 then Math 92 rather then taking Math 96. It's the same book just split into halves. Math 91 and Math 92 equal Math 96.

I get to register for classes March 2 and my award letter for financial aid was mailed out today. This letter will tell me how much money I will be receiving this quarter. YAY! I am going to take my math online this quarter and my first biology lab class and I think I will also take Psychology 101. That is normally scheduled for 2nd quarter but because I am meeting my math requirement in two classes (2 quarters) I think I will take on one of my second quarter classes this quarter so I am not too overloaded!

I am so darn excited to be starting... it feels like I am starting a whole new chapter in my life. I seem to have started a few over the last couple years: Moving to Spokane, meeting Anthony, having Aidan and now school!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yes, that's right... ROAD TRIP! We are heading to California, two weeks from tonight! We are piling ourselves and our stuff in our NEW car at 8 pm and driving straight through to beautiful Crescent City, CA. We are going to visit my dad, step mom, brother Ryan and brother Levi. I am SO excited. Anthony not so much. He is concerned about something happening to our car. We put in a new timing belt and had the water pump replaced yesterday, Anthony is installing new brake pads this weekend and we gave it a fresh oil change. So, other then some unforseen thing happening (like a blown tire or a rock breaking something) we should be fine. He's just concerned that we don't have the money for large repairs and he doesn't want to be stranded. He will be one grumpy man if something happens! Wish us some safe driving!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Senior Pics

So, my mom finally scanned my senior photos! Here are a couple of them!

So, my mom finally scanned my senior photos! Here are a couple of them!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wedding Dress

So, I start with a personal trainer on Wednesday. We're meeting twice a week. My goal is 40 pounds by our wedding in June. I have been looking at wedding dress and have it narrowed down to 2. I would like YOUR opinion! Just take a minute to let me know, dress 1 or 2. There is a front and back photo for each dress. Thank you!

Dress 1

Dress 2
(excuse the words, this was copied from the internet)

Family Visit

We had a great time with Jackie and Lisa! The little puppy is so darn cute. She weighs less then a pound and Aidan was having a blast with her! She was trying to be fierce and play with Aidan and he grabbed a hand full of her hair and lifted her straight off the floor. They were too cute! We also met Lisa's boyfriend Matt, he is a pretty cool guy. We all headed to Tomato Street for dinner and ate for free! Matt had ordered a prochiuto wrap WITHOUT the honey mustard dressing, our waitress even joked about putting honey mustard dressing on his salad instead. Anyways, it came with the dressing and Lisa and Jackie's dinners were cold. So, they comped our meal. It was nice. We also had a babysitter come over last night. She was great and we really like her! Well, I am rambling, so I am headed off to bed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 on Tuesday!

It's Ten on Tuesday time again!

1. Aidan has figured out how to pull himself up! YAY! Maybe not YAY! This means he will be cruising soon and shortly after that, walking. I am excited but I knwo what it means. It's funny, with kids you want so bad for them to learn new things, but once they do, you wish they didn't know how!

2. Aidan Baidan has a cold.. again. I feel like I must be doing something wrong, he always seems to get colds! I went and bought a humidifier tonight... hopefully it will give us BOTH a better night sleep!
3. I am so ready to quit my job. Our boss has unreal expectations of us and it drives me nuts. To top that off, if we don't meet her expectations, rather then confronting us about it, she talks about us to our coworkers! She totally feeds off of her employess gossipy nature and it drives me NUTS! It's pretty bad when she comes and tells me all of the clothes behind the counter need to be hung and put out because she doesn't want to hear Sam (an employee with senority who practically runs the store, does payroll and such) yell at her all day tomorrow about it! HELLO! YOU are the OWNER, why does an EMPLOYEE yell at you about things? Why can't I hang and put out the clothes because YOU want me to, not because YOU don't want to be yelled at by your subordinate! UGH!
4. Jackie (Anthony's mom) and Lisa (Anthony's sister) are coming on Thursday to stay the night with us. Lisa lives in Montana and Jackie in Tri-Cities. They are using our house as a meeting point because Jackie purchased the puppy Lisa wanted and they are meeting up so Lisa can get it!
5. Aidan is moving into size 12 clothes. I hate that inbetween stage where most of one size is too small and most of the other is too big! 12 months fit great AROUND but are too long. UGH! On the other hand, it is fun to pull a new wardrobe out for him!
6. While switching wardrobes I got rid of some of his clothes that are too small (I save the really nice ones and donate the rest). Anyways, my favorite charity is across town, so I figured I would simply post them on Craigslist for free. Well, we met a lady with a heart breaking story. She is 45 with two mostly grown children already. She has had her tubes tied for 15 years now and was engaged to be married to her new fiance. Well, he died last week of some disease while doing missionary work out of the country. This might sound a little cheesy and made up, but you really should have seen the tears pour down this lady's face as she told me about him. Well, their son is due in 2 months and now as she tries to pick up the pieces after his death she is also playing catch up and trying to prepare for the baby. Needless to say, I threw in a little more then those clothes. I has an extra papasan chair and a cradle that I gave to her as well.
7. Anthony got his HAIR CUT!!!!! YAY! It was getting so long. He looks superb!
8. Our taxes should be back between Thursday and Wednesday.... ONE STEP CLOSER TO OUR CAR!
9. We saw "My Best Friends Girl" last night, It has Kate Hudson, Dane Cook, Jason Biggs and Alec Baldwin. Very good romantic comedy. These kind of movies are perfect for us. It has the comedy for Anthony and the romance for me!
10. Aidan is teething and those top teeth are trying so hard to come through! We have been up between 5 and 6 times a night for the last week. I am tired, worn out and grouchy. So is Aidan. I am getting nervous that because this has gone on this long Aidan won't resume his great sleep schedule when the cut through. I hope he does, I would like full nights of sleep again! Perhaps, Anthony will just learn how to get up with him!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Basketball Night

So, Daddy had a double header Friday and Aidan Baidan and I made it to the first game. Anthony was much more agressive and actually scored seven points. He made the first points of the game with a 3 pointer! YAY! It was nice to see him come out of his shell at the game. Not that Anthony is ever really in a shell, he just needed to step it up when playing basketball. Here are a few photos from the game. Mommy needs to improve her sports photography skills!

Here's Daddy and Aidan at half time...
He shoots, he scores!

Nice Rebound!

Here he is passing the ball.

Here he is on defense!

Friday, January 16, 2009


YAY! I am one happy Mommy! Anthony just left to go file his taxes... I smell a new car in a week!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aidan Baidan

Juat an FYI for any of our "followers", Aidan Baidan has his own blog at

Ten on Tuesday

1. Aidan was up 4 times last night! I think he might be getting his teeth in. Maybe. I am a tired Mommy and a grouchy Daddy just left for work!

2. I have a found a neat website called that is wonderful! She has an entire plan for getting your house in order, cleaned and decluttered! I will be starting her program this week, as soon as I go buy myself a timer. She focuses on creating good habits and FLY stands for Finally Loving Yourself.. a terrific concept!

3. Aidan has an appointment at the doctor this morning. I forgot to schedule his follow up for his ear infection 3 weeks ago (so my appt should have been a week ago) plus, he has had a cough that has been around for at least 3 weeks and he is sounding a little wheezy.

4. I have not gotten my car yet. We have decided to wait until our taxes are back so we can get a discount by paying cash upfront. I cannot help but look at cars though and have 3 right now I really would like to go check out. However, I realize it is pointless when they probably won;t even be around when we have the money!

5. We have been having a great discussion on our Mommy and Me boards about the modern day woman's expectations of her husband. This great discussion has given me some wonderful insight on relationships, more specifically, mine and Anthony's. I am eager to take this new insight along with my new cleaning and organizing routine and smooth out the bumps here at home. Hopefully making both Anthony and I happier people. Afterall, a good relationship is one that it is always evolving, changing and one that is WORKED on!

6. Aidan said "Mama" last night. He said it one more time and is now back to syaing "Dada". UGH!

7. Anthony finally moved his weight set inside the house from the garage and is eager to start using it again.

8. I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow after last weeks event. BLEGH!

9. Our son has found the little door stopper behind his bedroom door that goes "BOING". It is my secret weapon to get Anthony out of bed in the morning! Our bed is right on the other side of that wall! HEHE!

10. I am going to sign off so Aidan and I can get to Walmart for cold medicine for Mommy, diapers and a timer.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Background

Go check out this blog.. she has SUPER cute backgrounds!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Work was eventful. As Ashlynn and I were closing the store last night a cop pulled into the parking lot. She joked with me that the cop was there to talk to me. Well, she walks back outside to bring in the strollers and the cop DOES walk up to her asking if everything is okay inside. He came in explaining that one of our customers had called saying that a guy with a gun had tried to rob her in the parking lot. We were baffled, we had seen nothing and heard nothing. There were three cops sitting in our parking lot trying to figure things out. We got back to closing and when I left, they even had the back road blocked off at both ends. WEIRD! Anthony insists I need to start carrying mace. Can you imagine if that guy had come INTO our store instead of trying to rob the lady in the parking lot?

On another note, Anthony had his first basketball game last night. He is playing basketball through church. While basketball is very obviously not his sport, he enjoys the exercise and is the fastest guy on the team. He has decided it can't hurt to shoot more often whether he makes it or not. You certainly can't make it if you don't shoot! Aidan enjoyed the first 5 minutes of the game, after that, he was cranky having to sit in my lap for near an hour. I think next week we'll only stay for the first half of the game.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are you serious?

So, since Aidan has been born, Anthony has been up with him, maybe 3 times. No big deal. However, he wakes me up last night at 2 am to ask how many ounces he needs to put in the bottle. I was shocked, not only had I not heard Aidan but Anthony did! So, I laid in bed awake waiting for Anthony to get back. He gets back in bed and I mentioned that I didn't even hear Aidan, I must have been sleeping hard. He tells me that he was watching TV in bed and heard Aidan. He then turned the TV off and pretended to be asleep!!!! When he realized I wasn't waking up he got up. ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? Well, I guess at least he can admit it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

So, I am going to give this a shot. I know a couple of people who do this as well. We'll see how long I keep it up. I might also try wordless Wednesday just to get myself blogging a little more.

1. Aidan has become quite the fit thrower. He throws them at nap time, he throws them when I walk away to get his bottle, when I suck out his nose and I'm sure there are other times. He has certainly learned how to turn on the tears!

2. Anthony has had 4 days off in three weeks. He has been working so hard moving snow! It's sad that the winter is his time with Aidan and he doesn't get to see him much with a work-at-night, sleep-during-the-day schedule.

3. With Anthony working, we have enough saved up to put down half of a new car, well, new to me!

4. I have not worked since the week before Christmas and I am dreading going back tomorrow. I got used to being home with my boys!

5. While I may have been stuck in the house for nearly three weeks (most of the time), my house is a disaster! Something about being indoors just zaps my energy to get anything done.

6. I found a fantastic present for my Dad's birthday Next week! YAY!

7. I am so close to getting rid of our kitten. He drives me nuts! He is the highest energy kitten I have EVER had! At the moment, he crawled under the couch to retrieve some bead garland from our Christmas decorations and is dragging it around the house like a puppy!

8. Grocery shopping is much needed in my house, so I am going out today. Wish me luck, I hope the store isn't as busy today as it was this weekend! I mean really, the snow has been around for three weeks, how long do they need to keep the Wal-Marts in Spokane closed?

9. We are starting our "healthy eating" kick this week. I hope it sticks. I am terrible about starting something like this and not following through. I really hope to drop some weight in time for our wedding in June!

10. Aidan is learning more and more by the day! His newest trick.. spitting his food out! I don't mean just pushing it out with his tongue... I mean SPITTING it!

WOW, ten things are harder then they seem. However, it really got me thinking about things. For instance, I am going to go make my grocery list!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


So, Anthony's Dad came into town today to visit and deliver our Christmas presents. We got one of those digital picture frames!!!! YAY! I just uploaded 114 photos to it that range from the hospital to now of Aidan. I'm SO stoked to have it! Now I have one for the house and a keychain version for on the go! Anthony also got some Carhart water repelant bib overalls. He LOVES them. He wore them to work tonight. We are planning on going to the car lot tomorrow to test drive my car. CROSS YOUR FINGERS that we make it there tomorrow. I hope Anthony is in the mood... I want my new car!